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Divine Self Embodiment Intros and Sessions

A sacred and safe space held where you can journey 1:1 or as a couple into deeper discovery...unfolding, exploring, healing, clearing, revealing, being and curiously connecting with any part/soul aspect who comes forward in response to your light and love...leading to more sense of wholeness and yourself AS Divine love


What area of your life is currently causing the most suffering or pain for you? Is it  undigested trauma and abandonment/abuse/rejection from childhood? Is it your relationships & patterns of dysfunction, toxicity, heart ache, etc. with your family, friends or a mate? Is it your sense of lacking connection with the Divine in a way that provides support, gives meaning, and guidance to your life? Is it unanswered chronic body illness, pain or suffering that gets in the way of living a meaningful life?

What area of your life is currently holding the most desire for you? Is it your desire to know yourself in an intimate way that allows for an emotionally mature, centered, empowered and non-reactive response to life? Is it to expand your soul consciousness to be able to activate all of your soul gift abilities, express your soul purpose gifts here, open up your multidimensional access, and feel an alive relationship with the Divine? Is it to feel vital, alive, and healthy in your body and sexuality expression, along with feelings of truly loving it? 

It is your Divine birthright as a sacred human to experience an overflow of joy, self worth and love, soul purpose livelihood and expression, sense of being Divinely supported/guided, nourishment in all of your relationships, healthy vitality in your body and MUCH more. 

In this phase of Ascension/awakening, more souls have truly signed up to truly experience this heaven IN their bodies in a grounded, authentic, self empowered and lasting way.

To claim this birthright and truly embody it is to go into and feel, heal, love while taking FULL ownership/accountability (completing cycles of blaming/outward causes of suffering/False God projections/outsourcing your healing to others/looking to be ‘saved’, etc.) with parts/soul aspects, your body, soul/energy field, and with the Divine. 

The Divine Self Embodiment (DSE) process offered through virtual and in person initiatory healing sessions with DSE teachers/facilitators connects to this Divine birthright within you, leverages the opportunities available through the current Ascension upgrade codes and responds to whatever your deepest pains and desires are right now and ongoingly through a holistic approach that honors your unique soul imprint and Divine essence. 

During sessions, we focus on DSE healing processes that allow for deeper layers of negotiation and transformational initiations leading overall to:
healing of trauma from this life and completion of traumatic, karmic soul patterns  

  • increasing soul awakening and gift activation experiences

  • transaction of sacred union relationship, sexuality, & draw/transaction with your Divine Counterpart

  • unplugging from the 3D and false light/false god Matrix conditioning/programming

  • false ego deconstruction and embodiment of your authentic self

  • vital healthy body and detox/transmutation on a cellular level

  • clarity and support for your soul purpose expression and next steps to take in life

  • soul family karmic clearing and reunion

  • and ongoing embodiment of your Divine Self

Types of Sessions 


You may have a sense right away of which area you need to focus on, yet, you also will have a 30 minute introductory call over zoom with Raphael or Jelelle (Described more below) to help you get more clear about what is most needed, if the process is right for you and which Facilitator to work with. Sessions are described separately below in three main categories, yet they usually occur with an arising combination of all three approaches to some degree in response to what comes up and the 'type' of session varying as you continue along in the process in an organic way.  

Each session is in active and conscious connection with your Inner Protector and/or Gatekeeper (Protector at the soul level) which allows more access to your soul field, emotional body, and physical body with deeper transformation, quantum clearing, less resistance, and lasting results.

It’s good too to note that many of the areas of healing listed below may not have even have occurred to you before as areas of healing, and that parts of you might feel a specific draw or repulsion to any of the items listed. It’s all good to take note of. 


1:1 DIVINE Healing Sessions - with Jelelle or Raphael

- Channeling Divine Mother & Father, Ascended Teachers messages, support, and tuning in/activating your channeling abilities

- Healing Journeys to 5D Mother’s Garden and Father’s Grove

- Healing Journey to the Separation Wound 

- Divine Orphan/Child healing

- Tuning into/channeling your Divine Union Counterpart, current relationship partner, relationship configuration

- False God healing/unplugging
- Divine Self codes & connection

- Ascension Codes healing/activation
- Soul purpose identification (akashic records) & livelihood alignment 

- Bridge to Star Family/Galactic activations
- Connect with higher Dimensional  soul guides

- Couples Divine Healing Session


1:1 SELF Healing sessions - with Jelelle or Raphael

-Romantic partner, friend, family relationships clearing, digestion, negotiation 

-Mentoring/coaching in practical life choices

-Parts work differentiation/maturation (Inner child/teenager, etc. 

-Soul aspects connection, retrieval, bridging, soul gift exchange

- Quantum reconfiguration w/Gatekeeper as bridge 

- 3D ego/false self identification and deconstruction

- Trauma healing and clearing from this life and other lifetimes

- Mediumship channeling of passed family/friends/mates in spirit for healing & reconciliation 

- Abduction trauma healing w/your Star Seed child
-  Birth Family/ancestor/generational healing configurations 

- Animal communication/totems

- Couples Self Healing Session


1:1 EMBODIMENT Healing sessions - With Jelelle or Raphael

- For women:  Womb support, hormone balance and healing, diet/supplement, energy healing w/Jelelle

- For men: Hara, digestion, urinary/lingham support and healing, physical detox/addictions, plus diet/supplement energy healing with Raphael 

- Natural supplement/diet/exercise recommendations tuned into your light body & 3D body detox needs

- Sound bowl healing & toning/light language activation

- 3D body healing (of injuries, illness, pain, chronic issues, etc.)
- Identification/Dissolving of objects, plugs, caps, etc. in the energetic field

- Light Body Activation and bridging

- Fasting, Transition to living on Prana guidance and mentoring

- Couples Embodiment/Sacred Sexuality Healing Session


All of the above pieces aren’t intended to overwhelm you. As we mentioned, we understand many of them you may have never considered before. The growing list is a bit surprising to us too, to be honest. It is just what the DSE process has expanded out into over time to include. 


The descriptions are intended to inspire you for all that is available and that can unfold organically in time with grace, with each piece being integrated and embodied as you go.



Donations & Frequency


Healing sessions are between 75 and 90 minutes. This is the minimum time that is often needed for the depth of ‘dropping into’ a theta brain wave/meditative state that is necessary for deeper healing, access to higher consciousness, the light body fields, and the subconscious, plus time to catch up/check in at the beginning and wrap up at the end. 

All sessions are offered over Zoom or in person at Raphael and Jelelle’s home in Central Portugal. Sessions are recorded to be shared with you and are sometimes shared amongst DSE Facilitators for quality control purposes/training .

All sessions are usually men with Raphael and women with Jelelle or with both of them at an additional donation amount.

Donation range per session is 55 -100 (USD equivalent) per session with Raphael or Jelelle and 33-44 per session with Raianna for teens/young adults, which is negotiated with your Facilitator and pre-paid prior to the session. We understand that money flow and money earning is in deconstruction right now for many on the awakening path and want to offer our services at an exchange that works for you and us as a reflection of our experience, embodiment and worthiness. Many healers overcharge and then aren’t able to serve many of those in true need and readiness. Please let us know what you can afford in the range that we offer during the intro call and we will also consider a lower amount if you are wanting to meet regularly and longer-term for sessions.

We recommend having several sessions with the same facilitator rather than just one ‘quick fix’ type session. Regular, consistent frequency of sessions 1-4 times a month longer-term with a facilitator provides the best depth of results and experience. 

Free Intro Calls 

We’ve found that it is important to have an introduction call over zoom to calibrate to each other’s energy, to ask any questions about DSE and the process, to see if it is mutual fit (or if another facilitator may be an even better one). Intro calls for 35-45 minutes over zoom with Jelelle or Raphael. This call is no charge, yet any donation you would like to give following the intro call is also welcome as a gift exchange.

​We find that the Inner Protector/Gatekeeper aspects (inner defensive energies) appreciate the space to talk before diving into the more vulnerable drop-in meditation space that happens in actual sessions together. Sometimes, we will offer that a time of more acclimation to our work is what is best through reading our books, or watching more videos or just more time/space to feel into readiness and resonance, before beginning sessions together. Intro calls are particularly useful for those who are wanting to have ongoing, multiple sessions over a period of time.​

​We will also talk about which Divine Self Embodiment session would be best for you to start with and  the minimum donation amount for your session and if you are wanting ongoing sessions as well. 

In the intro call, we talk with you to get a sense of your awakening journey, where the areas of pain/desire are in your life, and where we might go with you in a session. We get a sense together of which Facilitator would be best to serve you in this current phase of your healing and Ascension process, if couples sessions might be a good fit, and if sessions are right for you at this time.

We also discuss briefly your responses to the questions below that you send to us prior to the intro call, which you can email to or submit via our contact form. 

* What drew you to Divine Self Embodiment/Raphael or Jelelle and to request a session and how do you feel the process could help you?

* What is your biggest pain/suffering about in your life?

* What is your biggest desire for yourself in your life?

* Tell me something about your awakening journey and how it has been for you


"Sessions with Raphael are perfect for where I am right now. He makes me feel safe enough in session space that it's easy for me to open up. My parts feel held by Raphael so I can share vulnerable and tender processes. In the past, I've felt hesitant to open up to other people but with Raphael it's really comfortable and breezy to be heard. Once I developed a relationship with him, we were able to open new depths and layers and now I look forward to every session. He has been a huge part of my spiritual growth process and I would hands down recommend him to anyone who is interested in healing." Jasper Meadows, April, 2024


"You've given me the tools to address parts as they pop up, and so far, I've been able to integrate successfully. I'm using the technique you taught me to nurture the part that suffered the trauma (she feels fear and shame). I intuitively know this can't be rushed and that further growth will come with the unfolding of this energy. I would have never been able to handle this without your guidance, love, and support. I am eternally grateful to you, Jelelle." Kat - April, 2024


"Today, (after our session) I have felt an overwhelming sense of relief, Jelelle. And some of that spark of joy. I’m amazed & delighted at the speed and transformative power of the heart to heart connection." Louisa, February 10, 2024


"Jelelle's work has added so much benefit to my inner healing work and has helped me integrate in new ways, along with more easily identifying my Divine Self to support the other parts of myself. I highly recommend her book Free To Be 5D and sessions." Jen Scalia, January 9, 2024 


"Our session has been helping me a lot to ground and to see in a more soul expanded perspective, Jelelle. I have been listening to your audio book of Free To Be 5D too. And its been life-changing.

It also helps me to sleep and I continue to take it in and enjoy it while sleeping subconsciously as well.

It's like food to my soul. I'm processing it within myself step by step and the audio book (due to your voice, the frequency that you carry) keeps opening new portals of healings, new horizons, elevating the glass ceiling and attracting new timelines with soul-aligned people. I am extending gratitude for the beautiful radiating service you offer. " - Aneesa Emmambokus, January 2, 2024


"Beautiful book and sessions. Your gentle yet powerful guiding, Jelelle, is supporting my birth into a new way of being and reality. Thank you!" Tamsine - December 29, 2023


"It was great to start understanding what’s going on! It’s hard to heal and sort out something if you don’t know what’s happening. To be honest, I have been dragging this energy along with me, not knowing what to do! Thank you!" Teresa - December 28, 2023


"I have felt like a different person today after our session. Like I have come out of some darkness. Woweeee, what a relief. I hope I continue to feel better…. You are amazing, Jelelle, and I am beyond grateful.”

Selena - December 13, 2023


”I'm so glad I felt the Soul nudge, got over my resistance and jumped into sessions with you, Jelelle! You have such a warm, amazing, non- judgemental, Loving Presence and Awareness from which you collaborate this healing space! I also love how I don't feel like a "client". It's a much bigger and more loving fluid space than that. And I wasn't expecting that! But it's a True Treasure.

I'm really feeling blessed by the collaborative nature of it! Your creation of it that way Invites my own emPowerment. And I don't feel smaller, diminished, invalidated or even shamed, like I have felt with other types of work/facilitators. You carry forth such a deep wellspring of Loving Curiosity & Compassion! That feels like such an excellent model for what I can offer my own parts of Self.” 
Jennifer - November 8, 2023


"My energy went up after the session with you, Jelelle. I felt very joyful and light. I also notice a greater desire to connect in general and a greater freedom and desire to play. I started guitar lessons this week and my soul felt in harmony. I also met with a friend who is has a playful nature. We made plans to watch movies together. I am noticing a great increase in compassion towards children also." - Jessica Eleutheria, October 22, 2023



Below are profiles for Divine Self Embodiment Teachers and Facilitators


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Divine Self Embodiment Co-Creator, Teacher, Facilitator since 2012

Jelelle Awen is a Co-creator and Teacher of Divine Self Embodiment; Facilitator of 1:1 sessions for women and couples; Group Facilitator of women's and group call transmissions, gatherings, and other group sessions; author of books; Contributor on the Divine Self Embodiment Blog and YouTube Channel. Sessions with Jelelle are €55-100 sliding scale donation for 75-90 minutes available over zoom and in person in Central Portugal.


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Divine Self Embodiment Co-Creator , Teacher, and Facilitator since 2012

Raphael Awen is a Co-creator and Teacher of Divine Self Embodiment; Facilitator of intro calls and 1:1 Sessions for men and couples; Teacher of group transmissions/meditation circles/gatherings; and a Contributor on Divine Self Embodiment Blog and YouTube Channel. Sessions with Raphael are €55-100 sliding scale donation for 75-90 minutes available over zoom and in person in Central Portugal. 


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Divine Self Embodiment Facilitator for Teens/Young Adults

Raianna Shai is a Divine Self Embodiment Facilitator of intro calls and 1:1 Sessions for teenagers to young adults (age 14 years to 30); and a Contributor on Divine Self Embodiment YouTube Channel and blog.Raianna is under training and mentorship with Jelelle. Sessions with Raianna are €33-44 sliding scale donation for 75-90 minutes available over zoom and in person in Central Portugal. Parental permission and collaboration is required for teenagers under 18 years old. 

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