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SoulFire For Men

A sacred and safe space held where you can journey into deeper discovery of yourself as a man...expanding and growing into your sovereignty and power individually and with other men...leading to more sense of wholeness and yourself AS sacred masculine


Teachers and Facilitators Raphael Awen and Gabriel Amara offer the SoulFullHeart Process for men through men's group calls, free intro calls and 1:1 sessions over zoom and in person in the Central, Portugal region. Sessions are  €77 Euros for 90 minutes.

About SoulFire


Men Of The SoulFire.


You often begin a journey having more clarity about something that is no longer you, than you have of a knowing of what exactly IS you, of what it is that you actually want.


You’re outgrowing a container. It’s becoming increasingly uncomfortable.


Following this guidance of completing, letting go, admitting to yourself and in turn your world around you, what it is that you no longer wish to be a part of, you are eventually led to more understanding and participation of just what it is that you truly want and need.


The word ‘eventually’ is key here, because as you come to these negative realizations and admissions, both negating and validating the things that once served you, but are now completing, making real their completions, EVENTS synchronize with your choices and assist in the completion.


You activate the super intelligence that undergirds all things to engage with you to a higher interactive degree.


It’s very often a close relationship that’s ending, or a career, or a geography, or maybe a number of more subtle things cumulating and culminating inside of you.


Life awaits patiently your leadership of simple admission. The container shifting begins here.


Yet life also marches on even as it extends patience to you. Opportunity after opportunity can be refused, leaving you with backed up energy moving inside of you, creating dis-ease in the body, heart and soul.

Something has to give and something will give, again, ’eventually’.


Your power comes into play here as a key player in these events. Avoidance inevitably accumulates suffering, whereas embracement of change leads to empowerment.


Empowered Men are of a different heart and soul caliber because they intuitively know and feel that their lives are the ground of their true growth. They know their responses are like swordsmanship, cutting away what no longer serves, clearing away and making room for what wants to come, but doing no harm in the process.


One such grand culmination occurred for me in 2005. The height of the drama was a rather quiet, but utterly life changing admission to my world around me, at the age of 44 that I no longer held Jesus as my personal saviour, leaving behind a life spent in Christianity. This resulted in the dissolution of my total social world, including a 23 year marriage; relationship with daughters, and extended family.


Many other choice points have come and gone since and continue to come.


I’ve gone on to find my calling and joy in assisting other men in leading their sacred choices and lives, and then in turn providing a nexus point of community and shared experience with these men.


Men of the SoulFire.


I would like to offer myself and Gabriel Amara as a resource for engagement. Follow us here on this website page and on my FB feed and Gabriel's feed.

Ask either of us for a free intro call as a bridge to a 1:1 SoulFullHeart SoulFire Session for Men.  


And there’s an upcoming SoulFire Men’s Group Call over zoom on Sunday, November 27 at 5 pm London Time (a ways away, but I want to invite you early) about ‘Sovereignty In Community’. Details to come soon.


Thank you for being here!

Raphael Awen


SoulFire Videos

In this first video of an ongoing series, Raphael and Gabriel introduce an emerging SoulFire they're feeling to rally together men who desire and are ready to choose something more than feel good resonance chambers and peak experiences, to instead enter the deeper ground of their true growth, sovereignty, soul purpose expression, and in real time - community.

In this video, Raphael and Gabriel get real about men getting real as well as lead you through a guided meditation to meet and connect with your Inner Masculine aspects of your being.

In this video, Raphael shares about the shared origin of good and evil. 

In this video, Raphael shares about the Divine's Own Evolution


To men......


You are not ‘emasculated’

You are not ‘toxic’

You are not ‘patriarchal’

You are a man on a journey

To true heart and soul embodiment.


Those words represent

What you or aspects of you might have been

What you might have experienced

And succumbed to...

But they are not YOU.


They are the hinterlands

Of the spectrum

Of your hu-man soul being

The reminders that you have left your center.


Your true power of clarity AND vulnerability

When you sway into emasculation

The way back to center may appear ‘toxic’

When you sway into the rough

The way back to center may appear ‘soft’.

You are always in a state of course correction

If you have chosen to heal

To find your true essence

Of what it means to be your own man

Not to be A man

But your OWN man.


This man is not alone, though

He is very much in relation

In relation to himself

In relation to the Divine and the Void

In relation to the Feminine

Inside and out

In relation to other men

In relation to the Collective

Soul of Humanity.


This is the way of reclamation

The way of redemption

The way of reunion

The way of resurrection

This is the way back Home

To your authentic human and sacred masculine


~ words given to me by my Higher Masculine Heart and shared with those that may need them too.


Love to my heart and SoulFire brothers,


Gabriel Amara

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