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Sacred Union with Self, Others, and the Divine

Group Call Series 

Coming together into a virtual group space with all; with women; with feel the healing energies of union as scared and polarized connections move into sacred and embodied ones with others, within and with the Divine  

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Are You Ready To Go Into Deeper Sacred Union With Yourself, Others, and the Divine?


Join us for a sacred union exploration group call series starting in February, 2023 

- Group calls for men and women with Raphael and Jelelle Awen

- Group calls for women with Jelelle and Kasha Rokshana

- Group calls for men with Raphael


The Sacred Union Journey takes place from February 5th with group calls about every two weeks until end of June

Receive the zoom link and recording of each call by offering a donation for each of them individually below

(11 Euros is the usual amount per call)

We are so excited and blessed to have you join us on this ongoing journey into deeper embodiment of sacred union within yourself, in your relationships and in your connection with the Divine. 


We received the sudden guidance to create and offer this ongoing sacred union group call series over the next five months starting in February and completing at the end of June. We are experiencing a deepening initiation phase with Ascended guides and sacred union counterparts Yeshua and Mary Magdalene as a couple, and similar sacred union movements within our community and in sessions, plus being inspired by the rich and full response to our first sacred union call on Sunday, February 5th as well.


It really felt like your initial enthusiastic response really confirms and co-creates the space together and all that wants to be imparted to us as leaders, participants and the collective at this critical time in our history. 


We feel this phase of Ascension is offering a deepening in resonant relationship bonds to heal polarities and move into more unity within you, within a relationship, in friendships, with soul family/soul mates, and with the Divine as Beloved. Magdalene especially is wanting us to share about the purpose of sacred union...both within and with a beloved reconcile our experience on this Earth Plane (esp 3D Matrix lifetimes) of separation, to heal the fear that is created from this separation of losing any goodness that may come to us, from the dark that sets in as we moved away from the light of the Divine, from the polarizations that are internalized within us.


All of that changes as we bridge to and connect with these wounds held by the parts of us who hold the energy and very reality of these memories, which aren’t just memories, but god-like ‘memes’ that await our reconciliation/transformation of them. Our wounds which we’ve largely been afraid of and avoidant of are now proving to be the very portals to our heart and soul awakening, guarded and even preserved by these lifetimes of fear, but which can now be bridged to and transmuted to enter the phase of reconciliation. 


During the group calls, we will explore through teachings, guided meditation journey/transmission and sharings from group participants about many pieces related to sacred union: sacred sexuality healing for men and women; the catalytic grounds of inner sacred union; womb and hara (the masculine power center) healing groups for women and men; Soul karmic healing around sacred union, plus priestess/nun and priest/monk lifetimes. We will complete the series with an exploration into the Divine AS beloved, feeling the difference between this and false god configurations/patterns/filters from other lifetimes for both women and men. 


All of the calls will be held by, inspired by and supported by Mary Magdalene and Yeshua....holding the space, beaming the possibilities of sacred union through their merged soul fields, light bodies, and heart codes for us to receive.


In each call, we provide one of our powerful, efficient, and transformative guided meditations live to offer an experiential deepening within you of what we have taught about during the call. This creates a bridge from what you are learning about on a mental level into the emotional body and quantum soul field, where activation, transformation, and deeper healing become possible. 


SoulFullHeart Facilitator Kasha Rokshana, who has been involved in the creation and living out of SoulFullHeart from the beginning, will be co-host for the women's group calls. 


You don't need to attend each group call in the series in order to come to the next as they are all stand alone. Although, the more that you attend or listen to, the deeper the experience can be.


Rather than charge a set fee or offer them as a 'package' for the whole series, we would rather that you choose the calls that you are guided to and intentionally donate for them individually, offering an amount that feels good to you. You can receive the zoom link and recording of each call individually by offering a donation via the instructions below. 


I AM sacred union, YOU ARE sacred union, WE ARE sacred union.


Much love!

Raphael and Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana

In this video of a livestream recorded on February 8th, Raphael and Jelelle share about this Sacred Union group call series, what it covers and the inspiration from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to offer it.

Here is the schedule of the calls through end of June with brief description below and links to read more plus offer donation. All calls are either on Saturday or Sunday and all are at 5:00pm WEST/Portugal/ UK time.


February 5 - Men and Women: Sacred Union Intro Group Call W/Raphael & Jelelle -

Recording available


February 19 - Women: Sacred Union w/Self, Others & The Divine Women's Group Call W/Jelelle & Kasha. Recording available


Saturday, February 25 - Men: Sacred Union w/Self, Others & The Divine Men's Group Call W/Raphael

Recording Available 


Sunday, March 5 - Men and Women: Sacred Sexuality Group Call W/Raphael & Jelelle

Recording Available


Saturday, March 25 - Men: Sacred Masculine Sexuality Men's Group Call W/Raphael

Recording Available


Sunday, March 26 - Women: Sacred Feminine Sexuality Women’s Group Call W/Jelelle & Kasha 
Recording Available


Sunday, April 9- Men and Women: Inner Sacred Union Group Call W/Raphael & Jelelle

Recording Available


Saturday, April 22- Men: Sacred Union Hara (Power Center) Healing Men’s Group Call W/Raphael - Recording Available


Sunday, April 23- Women: Sacred Union Womb Healing Women’s Group Call W/Jelelle & Kasha - Recording Available


Sunday, May 7- Men and Women: Karmic Healing Group Call W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen - Recording Available


Saturday, May 20 - Men: Priest/Monk Healing Men’s Group Call W/Raphael - Recording Available


Sunday, May 21- Women: Priestess/Nun Healing Women’s Group Call W/Jelelle & Kasha - Recording Available

Sunday, June 4 - Men and Women: Bridge To Divine As Beloved Group Call W/Raphael & Jelelle - Recording Available


Saturday, June 24 - Men: Inner King & Lifetimes Healing Group Call w/Raphael- Recording Available 


Sunday, June 25 - Women: Inner Queen & Lifetimes Healing Women's Group Call w/Kasha & Jelelle - Recording Available


Information on offering donations:


You can receive these frequencies live with us or take in the recording afterwards, which is also powerful as you still do feel included in the circle. If you attend the live group, you'll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us. This is totally optional, as many choose to simply monitor the call and stay off camera and microphone. Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other people on the call, which is a powerful activation of its own! 


These groups are open to the public and to anyone over 18 (depending on if they are women only or men only). You can attend an individual group call and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give. 11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer us.


You can offer your donation for the call in one of three ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, no fee to transfer money between members and it's outside of the Paypal censorship grids. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up.

2. via our shop using stripe (Credit/debit) 

3. Paypal at

Then, following your donation, we will send you the zoom link and/or recording via email. If you purchase via paypal or wise, please include your email in the note section.


Group Call Recordings

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In this two-hour by-donation group call for men on Saturday, June 24th SoulFullHeart Sacred Masculine Teacher/Facilitator Raphael Awen explores Inner King Healing.

Many men are tapping into an awareness of their Inner King essence, as well as lifetimes where a soul aspect of you was a king in a position of power as a sovereign ruler over a country, kingdom and others. Bringing this awareness into the curious and open heart of your Divine Self allows for both the Inner King and these connected lifetimes to reconcile and heal. 

There are both gifts to exchange from these lifetimes as well as shadow expressions to feel, heal and reconcile with your Inner King. We are often influenced and experiencing bleed-throughs of these timelines, leaving our Inner King in patriarchal shadow expressions of our power, or conversely, a suppression of our power for fear of harming others.  

Your Inner King wants to be the future version of you that leads your life with an open heart, informing and reforming this ‘past’ timeline, in the now of your heart, which happens as you make space to host this ongoing reconciliation. 

During the call, Raphael shared about his own process and how through a personal relationship with the Inner King and bridging to King Metasoul aspects in the Quantum field of the Now, you can clear karmic binds/cycles/patterns, unplug from the False Masculine Patriarchal Matrix configuration/programs, free up soul gift exchange, heal persecution wounds, and resolve trauma as well.

Raphael also offered how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to these other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of sacred union flow starting from within you and expressing in sacred union grounds with others too. 

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, Raphael played crystal sound bowls and connected with your Inner King  or a king Metasoul aspect to begin a bridge of connection with them in their chambers. He bridged a visit to Divine Father’s Garden Grove, a fifth-dimensional space offering profound sacred masculine healing. In this place, Divine Father and Yeshua provide activation energies and codes for healing, clearing, and unplugging your King aspects from the karmic soul matrix. 

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give. 11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer.

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In this two-hour by-donation group call for women on Sunday, June 25th SoulFullHeart Sacred Feminine Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana explore Inner Queen Healing.

Many women are becoming more of their Inner Queen essence, as well as lifetimes where a soul aspect of you was a queen in a position of power as a sovereign ruler over a country, kingdom and others. Bringing this awareness into the curious and open heart of your Divine Self allows for both the Inner Queen and these connected lifetimes to reconcile and heal.

There are both gifts to exchange from these lifetimes as well as shadow expressions to feel, heal and reconcile with your Inner Queen. We are often influenced and experiencing bleed-throughs of these timelines, leaving our Inner Queen in matriarchal shadow expressions of our power, or conversely, a suppression of our power for fear of harming others.

Your Inner Queen wants to be the future version of you that leads your life with an open heart, informing and reforming this ‘past’ timeline, in the now of your heart, which happens as you make space to host this ongoing reconciliation. Your Queen essence is an embodiment of the Divine Feminine in expression of service, passion, making a beautiful home inside and out, leadership, and mateship.

In romantic relationship, your Queen may either struggle to find her truth and her worth, or may hold and express some more dominating energies within the bond. By feeling how she expresses (or doesn’t) in romance, you can feel into any patterns there and also feel what a more balanced, empowered, yet soft and loving Queen expression could look and feel like.

During the call, Jelelle and Kasha shared about our own processes and how through a personal relationship with the Inner Queen and bridging to the Queen Metasoul aspects in the Quantum field of the Now, you can clear karmic binds/cycles/patterns, unplug from the False Feminine Matriarchal Matrix Goddess/God configuration/programs, free up soul gift exchange, heal persecution wounds, and resolve trauma as well.

We also offered how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to these other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of sacred union flow starting from within you and expressing in sacred union grounds with others too. This call is for women who are currently single; in separation, or in relationship/sacred union.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we connected with your Inner Queen and /or a Queen soul aspect to begin a bridge of connection with them in their chambers. We also will bridged a visit to Divine Mother’s Garden, a 5D space offering profound sacred feminine healing and played crystal sound healing bowls as well. In this place, Divine Mother and Mary Magdalene provide activation energies and codes for healing, clearing, and unplugging your Queen aspects from the karmic soul matrix.

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In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, June 4th, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered an exploration into The Divine As Beloved within the context and experience of sacred union with self, others and the Divine.

We shared about how experiencing the Divine as your beloved offers a healing of stuck and codependent energies that grab and cling or settle/shrink in relationships with others as you feel filled up with Divine love and become already ‘complete’ and whole in that way. Healing the separation wound and sense of rejection/unworthiness from the original and ongoing split off from Divine source allows this to open up within you to receive the Divine’s infinite and unconditional love.

We talked about how False God programs/conditionings can also block the feeling of the Divine as Beloved as the False God can be a punitive and punishing one, mirroring an Inner Punisher/shame loop inside you and your soul aspects. Your relationships can also become false gods, replacing the need for the Divine.

We shared in the call how there is opportunity to experience the Divine as Beloved within you, between others, and esp. with your counterpart/twin flame so that these False God patterns resolve and new possibilities for remembrance, goodness and intimacy can arise. And we shared about our own personal awakenings with the Divine individually (and as Beloved in periods of singlehood and separation) and how we experience a bridal chamber frequency of the Divine holding the space for our relationship together. 

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to connect with your Gatekeeper, who opens up access to feel the False Gods that may be in your consciousness and soul field. We then bridged to the 5D Divine Chamber where you can experience The Divine As Beloved energies. We also repeated affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of karmic healing experience within you and with your mate.

We then had some participants share their experience of the meditation and receive reflections from Raphael and Jelelle. 

I am Beloved, You are Beloved, We are Beloved...

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In this two-hour group call for women on Sunday, May 21st, SoulFullHeart Sacred Feminine Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana explored priestess and nun lifetimes healing in sacred union w/self, others and the Divine.

These are Jelelle's words after the call: 

"It was an honor to go into teaching and bridging to connection with priestess/nun soul aspects in our women's group call over zoom last night. Every woman who joined us live (and others who purchased the recording) feels like had a soul guided reason for being there and contributed to the recoding of our soul's devotional, service-based lifetimes to a higher frequency of self love/worth in support with the Divine.


Kasha and I shared about our way in our SoulFullHeart process of accessing these soul aspects in other timelines/lifetimes through connection with your Gatekeepers, who open up the karmic lower 4D soul field as you negotiate with them. We shared how the Gatekeepers need to feel that you are truly ready for these openings to happen, as these lifetimes often have a heaviness to them, were usually under threat by the patriarchy, and may have 'ended' in a tragic way.

Yet, also, there are many soul gifts/accesses and devotional, Divine connection that these aspects hold and know, usually initiated into a dedicated lifestyle that is missing in our current timeline. We shared about our experiences in connecting with priestess/nun Metasoul aspects of ours over the years, including ones who share the same timelines and what this has offered us in terms of opened out intimacy as sisters/within/in mateships, soul gift expression/clarity of soul purpose, communion with Gaia, remembrance of soul wisdoms, etc.

We then went on a deep meditation journey together to connect with a temple/monastery space and whichever priestess/nun aspect may have been waiting there. Mary Magdalene offered a bridge to Mother's Garden, 5D lush and loving healing dimension where we soaked in a healing pool covered in rose petals. Divine!

It feels like a template was offered for our priestess/nuns to feel what trust, safety and intimate connection with Divine Mother is a balm to the difficult, challenging, non-vulnerable (usually wasn't safe!) experiences. Allowing for the full expression of what it means to be a woman, including a deep embodiment of our spirituality, is what so many of us came here to inhabit this life feels like.

Thank you to those who shared on the call about your experiences during the inspiring and touching!

I am whole, I am safe, I am sacred woman...."

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give. 11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer.

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In this two-hour by-donation group call for men on Saturday, May 20th, SoulFullHeart Sacred Masculine Teacher/Facilitator Raphel Awen explored priest and monk lifetimes healing in sacred union w/self, others and the Divine. 

These are Raphael's words after the call:

"I feel really grateful for the opportunity to lead the men’s call yesterday. There were 9 of us on the call from Canada, the US, Belgium and Portugal. 5 men shared openly in the second hour following the guided meditation and teaching portion of the call.


I feel an opening of a tender heart and need in the masculine happening, seeking a place to be real and feel, as well as be felt by other men.

I felt myself somewhat nervous as well being in the company of men as leader, as space holder, quite possibly picking up on the very understandable nervousness in the room.

Underneath it all, I see and feel a return to brotherhood happening. We felt into the Priest/Monk Lifetimes Healing Men’s Group Call W/ Raphael Awen. It’s happening inside of us as we reconcile these other timelines and that then extends organically into the timeline of our life at hand.

The theme of forgiveness particularly came up as one man shared and it resonated into the room. Forgiveness for others who let us down. Forgiveness of ourselves for what we did or failed to do.

Another man shared about the discomfort being around Divine Father, after not knowing much of any father figure this life.

A piece of the teaching had to do with how sovereignty and autonomy played out in these priest/monk timelines, where we were by necessity very bought into the paradigm at hand, which afforded the opportunity to bond deeply with men over time. Then we compared that with now for many men, embracing their sovereignty in this life has necessitated going it alone for a time to get out of what felt like binds in these settings. This feels like it is beginning to turn for men as they find the sweet spot of a shared way of life that supports their autonomy at the same time.

The guided meditation took us into Father’s Garden Grove, and then into a temple or monastery where we connected with a priest or monk Metasoul aspect. After bridging and feeling that connection, we invited that soul aspect to join us back out in Father’s Garden Grove."

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give. 11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer.


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In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, May 7th, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered an exploration into the playouts of karmic healing in relation to sacred union with self, others and the Divine.


Karmic healing in sacred union recognizes that unresolved and undigested energies from other lifetimes are impacting the transaction ground and experience of relationships with self, others and the Divine in this life. Often cycles from other lifetimes are recapitulating and repeating in this one in relationship with those soul family members who have agreed on a soul level, prior to incarnation, to go into the same energetic set up in order for it to complete, heal and reconcile.

We shared in the call how there is opportunity for quantum healing to occur within you, between others, and esp with your counterpart/twin flame so that these patterns resolve and new possibilities for remembrance, goodness and intimacy can arise. We shared about how our SoulFullHeart process of working with your Gatekeeper (multidimensional soul aspect) opens up access to these Metasoul aspects (soul fractals from other lifetimes/timelines available in the Now) to develop a deep connection with them that opens up soul gift exchange, shifts traumatizing timelines, and clears karma at the quantum level.

In the call, we will share with you how our own personal journeys and process of karmic healing through negotiation with our Gatekeepers and connection with our Metasoul aspects both together as a couple and individually. Jelelle also shared about the karmic matrix soul field anchored in lower 4D which is where the false light, false god, reptilian/AI hijack, and incarnational traps are vibrating. Most 'soul work' is actually tapping into this dimension. The higher frequency soul field, which we call Metasoul, is 'above' this karmic field, allowing for resolution of karmic binds (esp in soul mate/counterpart relationships), connection and soul gift exchange with your soul aspects, and integration/unification into your I AM Divine essence.


In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to connect with your Gatekeeper, who will open up access to whichever timeline/lifetime and Metasoul aspect that you are needing to connect with in this Now. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offered inspiring transmissions of karmically cleared sacred union love. 


This call is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/Self, Others & The Divine group call series. You do not need to have attended/taken in the previous group calls to get something out of this one. More info about the series and to purchase other upcoming calls and recordings of previous calls at

You can attend receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

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In this two-hour group call for men on Saturday, April 22nd at 5:00pm to 7:00pm WEST; 12:00pm EDT; 9:00am PDT SoulFullHeart Sacred Masculine Teacher/Facilitator Raphael Awen explores the hara, and the role of the hara in our activation of our sacred union w/self, others and the Divine.


The ‘hara’ is a word of japanese origin that means belly. More than just a physical location in the body, it is felt and experienced as the seat of masculine’s true nature and authentic power. It is from this belly, that our ‘elixir of life’ is created and from where we live our deeper truth. The masculine hara in this way is the counterpart of the feminine womb. 


Similar to the womb, the hara is a powerful space of creativity, alchemy, and a bridge to our ancient and pure Sacred Masculine empowerment origins and soul remembrance of sacred union. Our hara can expel the seeds of creation, and penetrate the feminine expression of our Divinity in masculine human form through the experience of sacred union with ourselves, others and with the Divine. However, our haras have become filled instead with Matrix hijack energies of pain/trauma layers from previous relationships, wounding from separation with the Divine and unworthiness/disconnect/lack of self love. 


Raphael will share about how through a personal relationship with our haras, even giving it a name and opening up journaling/dialogue with it and supported by a recoding with the Divine Father, we can heal the Matrix hijack of the false masculine/wounded masculine in our haras to move into activation of the powerful Creator force within us and connect to the Cosmic Father. This opens up our hara space to express and transact deep intimacy, vulnerability, exclusivity/monogamy, good will, forgiveness, transactability in sacred unions. 

Raphael will also offer how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to this-life parts and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of sacred union flow starting from within you and held in your hara space. This call is for men who are currently single; in separation from a mate, or in relationship/sacred union. 

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, Raphael will assist in  connecting with your hara space in a visceral and emotional way that will open up new access for you to feel what it holds and feels about sacred union. You will most likely be able to ‘hear’ the voice of your hara and, therefore, the voice of Divine Masculine wisdom. We also visit Father’s Garden, a fifth-dimensional space offering profound sacred masculine healing, where Divine Father and Yeshua provide activation energies and codes for healing, clearing, and unplugging your hara. 


Yeshua holds a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration, offering inspiring transmissions of love and light. We also repeat affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred sexuality experience within you.


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In this two-hour group call for women on Sunday, April 23rd SoulFullHeart Sacred Feminine Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana explore womb healing and activation in sacred union w/self, others and the Divine.

Jelelle's description after the call, 


"Into the depth of the womb we went in our women's group call yesterday...I still feel altered by it today with digestions and sense of fullness in a good way today. Close to 20 women joined us live or to take in the recording afterwards during our exploration into womb healing in sacred union with self, others and the Divine ground.

I could feel beforehand (and in past womb healing calls too) the vulnerable depth and realness grounds for myself and for the women who came to the call, for all of the feminine collective really, in exploring the womb in this relational and feeling-based way.

I have been tuned into and shared about Mary Magdalene and the Divine Mother's deep care and heart for how the womb has so often been hijacked, suppressed, stuck in painful period/menopause cycles, disconnected, undervalued, overwhelmed, and overly masculinized. I shared about how through direct and personal connection with our wombs and holding space with/for her, we are able to access the wisdom and realness/direct with care/truth telling frequency of Divine Mother that also unplugs our wombs from this hijack.

I also shared about my experiences with my womb in my transition to menopause and wise woman, unwinding from being a mother/identity around that, and the recoding process that I feel occurring that is offering an unplugging from the Matrix/freedom to express in full power that this offers us as women. It was sweet to feel other women resonate with the intensity of this experience or the disconnect from the transition it offers, wanting to hold more space for it consciously.

Kasha shared about her experience of her womb holding the new sacred union she is in now (yet not wanting to overhold it) and how she is navigating that with arising awareness, consciousness and sensitivity toward her masculine partner and herself.

In the guided meditation, we visited the womb room and invited each woman to feel the energies/people/relationships/frequencies/parts/aspects that may have been occupying their womb space. And then I bridged to Divine Mother's womb through a golden umbilical cord and a healing pool was offered to cleanse and purify the womb. We invited an I AM recoding of the womb space into a higher frequency expression of their sacred feminine essence.

And we recoded together:

I am free, I am whole, I am home....

Thank you so much to the four women who shared with us your experiences during the meditation, your hearts and your vulnerability were so touching, especially what some of you shared about the relationships you are currently navigating. It was great to have those new to sharing in the group calls to share into the space with us too.

It was also good to feel how this sacred feminine call was a counterpart to Raphael's sacred masculine hara healing group call that he hosted the day before with men. It feels like the two supported and were bridged to each other...the Divine Masculine leading with their own realizations, awarenesses, feeling states, and digestions of expressing from their power center.... opening up the space for Divine Feminine womb in the true spirit of this sacred union series."

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give.11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer us.

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In this two-hour group call for men and women on Easter Sunday, April 9th SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

These are Jelelle's words after the call to describe it,

"As I checked in with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene this morning, they seemed quite pleased with where we went in our inner sacred union group call on Easter yesterday! They were all glowing gold codes at me of gratitude for the sharing by Raphael and I, for transmitting their energies through during the meditation, plus for the intentions of all those who joined us live and via the was a lot of goodness to let in!


These grounds of inner sacred union really are such a unique and individual experience that also shifts and changes as you connect and deepen with different aspects of yourself and soul. We talked about how healing polarizations and tensions from your inner sacred union grounds allows openings to experience this on the outside too.


Raphael and I shared about our experience together of phases when we felt consciously our inner masculine and inner feminine in tender self healing, plus the spaces this would open out between us in relationship. For women, it is often about connecting and negotiating with masculine parts that are overprotective, guard, dominate, and try to control in relationship. For men, they may be unaware of how the unmet needs of their inner feminine are leading to codependence, pull out, giving to get, and other strategies in relationships.


And we shared about how two years ago, after a brief yet intense separation from each other, there was a shifting to really feeling each other as representing our masculine and feminine.


During the meditation, all were invited to attend a ball dance with their inner masculine and inner feminine calibrating to each other in different ways. And then, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene offered codes of inner sacred union templating within a higher dimensional bridal chamber space.


Thank you so much to our community who shared with us your rich inner sacred union experiences during the meditation! And to those who shared on chat as well. There was a deep healing/clearing that was bridged to here of inner sacred union...starting from within, expressed with a beloved mate in sacred union eventually (if desired), embodied with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine....and supported by a sacred community."

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In this two-hour group call for women on Sunday, March 26th, SoulFullHeart Sacred Feminine Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana explored feminine experience and activation of sacred sexuality.  

Jelelle's words afterwards:

"Still digesting the tenderness and realness that came through in our women's group call yesterday! Over 20 women joined us live or to take in the recording afterwards during our exploration into sacred feminine sexuality.


I could feel beforehand the vulnerable sensitivity of these grounds for myself and for the women who came to the call, for all of the feminine collective really. And also I was tuned into Mary Magdalene and the Divine Mother's deep CARE and heart for what the feminine has experienced of abuse, non-vulnerability, dominance/control, toxicity and so much more in sexual experience. This feels true for ALL women, as the wounded masculine hijack has been our dominant experience this life and other lifetimes....a soul choice for growth that is now ascending into a desire for sacred masculine care, love, and cherishment in sexuality - inside and out.

I shared quite a bit in the call about the need to connect with and assist with the clearing of all previous toxic sexual energies from your yoni - the Divine bridge and passage grounded in the physical yet connected to higher realms. I talked about my experiences with Raphael in tender spaces of negotiating with my yoni in the early days of our sexuality together and his true feeling and sensitivity toward my body/my yoni/my light body that has deepened into the trust activation grounds now that has opened up so much soul awakening for me and between us.

Kasha shared about her excited and joyful place of new exploration in sacred union, plus digestion of her past sexual expression experiences as she prepares for it. Thank you Kasha for your co-hosting and holding of this call and for your ongoing bravery and desire to open up and explore these grounds in yourself, with me, in service of the sacred feminine, and with the masculine.

I can feel how much Magdalene consciousness is wanting to activate in awakening women around the reconnection, the feeling, the enlivening, the revirgination, the purification, and the releasing of powerful awakening that healthy sacred sexual expression and experience offers! This frequency has so often been either hijacked and manipulated/exploited....or it has been buried, frozen and blocked, so often deeply guarded by protective inner masculine.

It is TIME now to feel safe within us and with the Divine Feminine to allow our sacred sexual expression to arise, for all of life to interact with it in alive and creative ways, to experience an orgasmic relationship to ALL of life.

This invitation came through in the guided meditation as well, as Mary Magdalene supported us to go into the private chamber where parts/soul aspects were waiting to be felt and seen in their sexual experience in order to arise out of it and reclaim their sacred sexuality.

And, in the meditation we were taken to a sacred garden and potent purifying healing pools for yoni/womb/body clearing. Each woman was invited to connect to a recoding, an I AM wave form/code to represent their sacred sexuality. I could see that we each had our own private space to experience this activation, while also remaining connected as as group of women to each other in adjacent and connecting gardens.

Thank you so much to the four brave women who shared with us your experiences of sexuality and during the meditation, your hearts and your vulnerability were so touching! So much resonance in the room too amongst us all. And it was so great to have those new to sharing in the group calls to share into the space with us.

There was a deep healing/clearing that was bridged to here...starting from within, expressed with a beloved mate in sacred union eventually (if desired), embodied with the Divine Feminine....and supported by a sacred sisterhood.

It was so precious to feel how this sacred feminine call was a counterpart to Raphael's sacred masculine sexuality group call that he hosted the day before. It feels like the two supported and were bridged to each other...the Divine Masculine leading with their own realizations, awarenesses, feeling states, and digestions of sexuality, opening up the space for the Divine Feminine to lean into. Yum!

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In this two hour men’s group call on Saturday, March 25th, 2023, Raphael shared teachings from his own personal journey of sacred sexuality exploration.

In Raphael's words afterwards:

"We had a truly amazing ‘Sacred Masculine Sexuality’ Men’s Group Call yesterday with twelve men on the call.


I opened the call sharing a much wider view of sexuality being deeply embedded in all of life. Sex is at its roots an exchange of energy and so is everything else in life.

This really brings up so much for rethinking and refeeling. Take for instance the popular teachings on non-duality. If you downplay duality, you lose sexuality. There needs to be need, desire, appetite along with surrender and vulnerability. All of those hinge on duality. Gender engenders something. Gender is polarity. Without it, there’s no attraction, or fun for that matter.

I also shared how the initiations we never received as boys and men have often left us as boys in men’s bodies, but now, by bridging to the Inner Teen within, we can offer them the real time initiation and rites of passage they never received.

I also felt guided to encapsulate my sexual history on the call, as a way for the men to feel their own, how it was similar or different, all the while wanting to bridge to particularly the Inner Teenager and their experience of sexuality. I shared about my first experiences with male friends as a mid teen, experimenting because we were afraid of girls. I shared about how I had a strong Metasoul bleed through in my late teens that energized ‘no sex before marriage’ and how I managed to get married a virgin, all the while underneath, quite afraid of sexuality. Getting married was a relief on some levels.

It wasn’t until 24 years later, after leaving Christianity and my marriage, that I experienced my second, third and fourth ‘sex partner’. I shared about how tender and magical an experience this was for me as I held space for my Inner Teenager who got to redo his teenage coming to manhood sexually, now in a 46 year old man. I shared too about with Jelelle, the stages our sexuality has gone through together and the stage before us now.


In the guided meditation, each man entered their sexuality room, where they tuned in any part of them that needed to meet them, as well as their Inner Feminine. Then we went to a higher dimensional sexuality room that we called the Sacred Chamber where we felt into the activation of our light body in relationship to sexuality.

Then four different men on the call came on camera and shared their experience of the call and meditation, what’s going on in their lives and WOW, what a tone of heart open vulnerability and transparency! The room had a deep reverence feeling of regrounding sexuality into the sacred masculine, feeling the desires, despair, shame, joys and sorrows, all of it!"

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In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, March 5th, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered an exploration into sacred sexuality for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single. 


In the call, Raphael and Jelelle shared about sexuality as an energy, flowing and infusing ALL of life in a transactable way, cultivated from within, and then shared in monogamous, vulnerable union with your partner. We shared about how sexual energy is freed up through inner healing with parts of yourself from often traumatic sexual experiences, how the yoni/lingam stores these energies and needs direct connection/feeling to clear them out, and how parts of us can get 'stuck' in the indigestion of these sexual experiences and parental templating....leading to suppression, block, and even denial of sexual expression and desire.

We also shared from our experience of sacred sexuality together and the bliss mess openings that have occurred ongoingly at the heart levels, light body/kundalini transactions, and all grounded into the physical body experience. We shared about our personal processes with our sexuality, some light language coding, and also what it is like when we come together in our bridal chamber together, answering some curious questions too.

In the mediation, we go to your sexuality room...a space where you can tune into past/current sexuality experiences, energies, etc. and the part of you who is still in need of digestion there, trauma, and or just not to feel alone. And then we bridged to the sacred chamber, a higher dimensional space to feel your vital, sexually flowing light body in bridge with your physical body...and your sacred partner however they showed up.

Mary Magdalene offered especially the feminine to feel her empowered desirability and sexuality, to feel the bridge she is to the Divine through her sexual expression and the gift this is for the masculine who is worthy of receiving it. Yeshua invited the dropping of any sense of shame or sinfulness about our sexuality and the expression of it.

Each person tuned into a personal recoding/mantra related to the expression of their sexual energy, some of them were..... "I am desire/desired. I am whole. I am worthy. I am sensual."

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There is a rich and opportune portal open now to the masculine heart to embrace Sacred Union on all levels, with self, with others, and with the Divine. 


There is a method, the means and the support to open out these as pathways of ongoing deepening initiation into all three of these areas of life. 


The boundaries between each of these areas begins to blur as they are experienced more and more to be one and the same, but overflowing and expressing in each domain. 


All of this is experienced as deep and ongoing ascension where all that it brings is seen and felt and processed through the feeling grounds of this ever expanding Sacred Union. 


Maybe, this is exactly what is needed to move us beyond our focus and failures in the separate domains of self, romantic partner and the Divine, into this much wider context to hold it all and to truly come alive in it all, the bliss, the mess and the growth. 


In this two hour men’s group call on Saturday, Feb. 25th, Raphael gathered with the men in attendance and those listening to the recording to share from his own personal journey and process of being in sacred union with himself, with his mate, Jelelle, in community and with the Divine. We explored how desire, which is often so vilified in popular spirituality as the source of so many conundrums, is also our most alive state. Even the despair that can live in parts of us and painfully attend our desire is a portal into deep sacred union with self, that then naturally extends off that template into our union with others and the divine.


In the guided meditation, we went with Yeshua as our guide and with our curious open-hearted, higher heart divine self into our ‘man cave’ to explore it anew, feel who and what lives there, and then we bridged out into the king’s courtyard of our lives as we know them, feeling them for the Divine portal of initiations and growth that they are. 


Yeshua was with us all the way, holding a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. We also repeat affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred union experience within you.

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In a two-hour women’s group call on Sunday, February 19th, 2023 at 5:00pm GMT/12:00pm EST, Jelelle and Kasha explore sacred union on all of the grounds of sacred union with self, others and the Divine from the feminine experience. We share our own personal journeys and process of being in sacred union with ourselves, with mates, in community and with the Divine. We also offer how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to this-life parts and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of intimacy starting from within you and in all these areas.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we create a bridge to your inner feminine in her 'private chamber' so that you can feel, sense, and be with her desires and any pains she has about sacred union in all these areas. We also open up a bridge for you to connect with your mate (inner or outer - known or not) or the Divine beloved in the moment in their higher-dimensional frequency within the bridal chamber.

Mary Magdalene holds a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. We also repeat affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred union experience within you.

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In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, February 5th, Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered a Sacred Union activation for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single. We shared our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it. We also offered how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to this-life parts and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of intimacy starting from within you so that you can continue to show up for the bond in a relational way and digest all that is triggered by it.


In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to your Sacred Union relationship to feel it as it is currently transacting, either in current transaction with your mate, in separation, or from within you. You’ll be able to sense energies of resistance, fear, and pain that may be in the space and any parts of you that hold them. We also opened up a bridge for you to connect your twin/pairbond at the original higher dimensional source with your mate (known or not) which offers an inspiring flood of love. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. 

Other group call descriptions and to purchase coming soon.....

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